Our Completed Projects

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Africa Orphanage Support
Hands for an African Child has been working with existing orphanages and schools helping with water wells, bunk beds, vision care, food assistance, and clothing in addition to purchasing land and constructing their own Children’s Village. You can read more about each of these projects on our blog and donate here.

2020 Projects

Children's Village

2019 Projects

Clearning the land
Children's Village
  • Purchased land for Children’s Village
  • Purchased a used truck to help with work on the property

2018 Projects

Drilling for water
The Future is Now Orphanage
  • Drilled new well using Hands for an African Child Village Well
  • Identified possible additional future well site   
  • Purchased 6 acres of agricultural land for the orphanage’s use, as well as 400 orange trees to be planted on the land
Well at school
Kiyunga School
Drilled a well for this primary school located in a remote sector of Uganda
Ssenyonjo Orphanage
Purchased items to be sold in fundraising drive
No shoes
Tusubira Village
  • Committed $350 towards on-site water project
  • Inspected newly constructed septic tank
  • Distributed clothing to orphans and needy children
Reading glasses
  • Inspected piggery funded by Hands for an African Child
  • Delivered reading glasses for primary school students
Kampalawell drilling
Well Training
  • Introduced Water Finding Application
  • Assembled and trained drill crew
  • Funded John Jadwong and Godfrey Lufafa drill training trip to Kenya
Eye glasses
Provided over 1500 pairs of reading glasses to people & schools in Uganda.
Book Drive
Delivered over 150 pounds of donated books to two different primary schools that had no books

2017 Projects

The Future is Now Orphanage
Donated bunk beds, mattresses, bedding, and mosquito netting for bed-less orphans
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Kampala School for the Deaf
Paid for vision exams and eyeglass prescriptions
Eye Care Specialist visit for Baby Simon
While we have done some great work, there are many, many more children in Uganda who need our help! To donate money to Africa or learn more about our charity, please contact us.
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